The Stuff the Bus program initiated in 2014 to provide grade appropriate school supplies to the elementary school aged children in families from the community MESA serves. This program continued as an annual community outreach event through 2022.

On August 15, 2022, MESA-OUTREACH and our volunteers delivered 1,000 school supply packets to 6 area elementary schools by adding Schmalz and Wolfe: 500 supply packets to Cy-Fair ISD Schools and 500 supply packets to Katy ISD Schools. Thanks to the support and donations of Altamira Material Solutions, Covenant Lutheran Church, DXP Enterprises, First Community Credit Union and various individual donors, MESA was able to provide each school with hand sanitizers, disinfecting wipes, Kleenex, new backpacks and individually wrapped snacks as well. Each of these schools were so very grateful for the support of MESA and it’s donors to provide for their students in need. These students are truly “Blessed for Success” this school year!
In August of 2021, MESA-OUTREACH expanded to serving 800 school supply packets to Bear Creek, Horne, Lieder and Mayde Creek Elementary Schools for their students in need. Bear Creek, Horne, Lieder, and Mayde Creek Elementary Schools received 200 packs each for their neediest PreK-5th graders.
During the pandemic, MESA-OUTREACH pivoted to serve area elementary children through their counselors at each school. In August of 2020, MESA served 407 children by delivering school supply packets to Bear Creek and Horne Elementary school counselors to distribute to needy students. Bear Creek and Horne Elementary participated, and 419 school supply packets were provided to students in need.
MESA-OUTREACH, INC. held its annual “Stuff the Bus” event on Tuesday, August 7th where packs with school supplies were provided to area elementary school kids and school supply packs were provided to middle and high school kids. In addition, MESA distributed 335 pairs of new shoes, 655 pairs of new socks and 722 children’s books at this year’s event.
A special thank you to the Charity Guild of Catholic Women who provided the funding for the shoes that were distributed, putting a smile on many faces.
Janet Newsom, MESA’s Food Pantry Coordinator said “this was our 5th annual and best attended Back to School distribution event. This year 447 students received school supplies – each student will be well supplied to start the school year.” She also stated her “appreciation to Texas Children’s Health Plan for providing the clear backpacks filled with supplies again this year and to Bear Creek United Methodist Church for providing its gymnasium to conduct the event in air conditioned comfort.”
Jeff Klorer, MESA’s Vice President of Programs added his “appreciation to all of MESA’s supporters and it’s over 700 volunteers, without which, MESA would not be able to provide this much needed assistance to the area.”